if you look around a bit, you may spot this oldie, Don't Look Now (1973), perhaps on a shelf filed under 'Psychic Thrillers'. directed by Nicolas Roeg only a year or so after he completed Walkabout, it is on the must-see list for anyone who appreciates a smart and well-photographed shocker. i mention this because it really is one of the creepiest films ever, and also because there's word out that Alan Scott (who wrote the original), is himself now adapting the screeplay for a remake due out in 2007.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
if you look around a bit, you may spot this oldie, Don't Look Now (1973), perhaps on a shelf filed under 'Psychic Thrillers'. directed by Nicolas Roeg only a year or so after he completed Walkabout, it is on the must-see list for anyone who appreciates a smart and well-photographed shocker. i mention this because it really is one of the creepiest films ever, and also because there's word out that Alan Scott (who wrote the original), is himself now adapting the screeplay for a remake due out in 2007.
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