Gohatto, 1999 by director Nagisa Oshima. this tale explores the waning days of Japan's samurai warrior class in the late 1800s, and specifically, a young samurai, Kano, and the curious effect his uncommon beauty has upon on his stealth and fellow fighters. as graceful and keen - and cold - as a razors edge, this is a contemplation upon the nature of beauty and male vulnerablilty, and one captured in images of a rare cinematic splendor. by my estimate the end shot alone is worth the trip of the entire film – nothing short of stunning, really – as it serves to frame a serene and lovely film in a visually perfect metaphor. enough said.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Gohatto, 1999 by director Nagisa Oshima. this tale explores the waning days of Japan's samurai warrior class in the late 1800s, and specifically, a young samurai, Kano, and the curious effect his uncommon beauty has upon on his stealth and fellow fighters. as graceful and keen - and cold - as a razors edge, this is a contemplation upon the nature of beauty and male vulnerablilty, and one captured in images of a rare cinematic splendor. by my estimate the end shot alone is worth the trip of the entire film – nothing short of stunning, really – as it serves to frame a serene and lovely film in a visually perfect metaphor. enough said.
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