there's "art", and then there's art. Babe: Pig in the City (1998) is the latter. that audiences arrived expecting to see a cute talking pig sequel and found instead an all-animal cast version of The Shining, is of little concern. art. hatched from the fascinating frontal lobe of director/co-writer George Miller, the film departs the Hollywood cookie-cutter at every available juncture, an alternating odyssey, allegory and proberb. it's no wonder viewers didn't know what to think: the Mickey Rooney sequence is surreal, chase with the pit bull mildly disturbing, the orangetan character outrageously odd. nonetheless, auteurs take heart: Wikipedia notes Film critic Gene Siskel named it as his choice for the best film of 1998. fyi: Animal Logic was but one of the many fx teams enlisted for the film's countless effects, and their flash site totally rocks. art.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
there's "art", and then there's art. Babe: Pig in the City (1998) is the latter. that audiences arrived expecting to see a cute talking pig sequel and found instead an all-animal cast version of The Shining, is of little concern. art. hatched from the fascinating frontal lobe of director/co-writer George Miller, the film departs the Hollywood cookie-cutter at every available juncture, an alternating odyssey, allegory and proberb. it's no wonder viewers didn't know what to think: the Mickey Rooney sequence is surreal, chase with the pit bull mildly disturbing, the orangetan character outrageously odd. nonetheless, auteurs take heart: Wikipedia notes Film critic Gene Siskel named it as his choice for the best film of 1998. fyi: Animal Logic was but one of the many fx teams enlisted for the film's countless effects, and their flash site totally rocks. art.
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